Supporting segments that add a dash of interest and entertainment!  Here are some sample intro videos and descriptions to get you started. 

Stop and Think! Want your learning community to stop and think about a solution to a schoolwide problem?  Highlight students, staff, and families providing solutions or ideas. Video problem solving actions and learning. 

TJQ A Tip, Joke, or Quote is intentionally selected and aligned with the focus of the weekly theme/message. Students can be filmed in front of a green screen and/or voice overs can be added for a more engaging effect. 

Got Game? A staff member introduces a recess game that connects to the weekly theme/message, students demonstrate how to play, then follow-up with their reviews after a couple weeks of play.

Greeting and Send Off  The leader of the school kicks off the entire video broadcast with a welcome and closes with a send off phrase. Try your Bitmoji with ChatterPix for something unexpected!  

Skits with a twist! Have your students, staff, or families act out different game shows, spoofs of old sitcoms, infomercials, and more (i.e. Golden Girls, Family Feud, a Cooking Show…) This is where the magic of Sesame Street meets Saturday Night Live! The twist is that a SEL focus embedded in every skit! 

Kids in Cars Take your video production on the road in your school or around your community. Kids in Cars teaches how to share, care, and respect common spaces (i.e. hallways, cafeteria, playground, restrooms…). And yes, we have students drive small cars in the hallways!