Does your school struggle with students that elope, avoid work, and/or are easily frustrated socially and emotionally? Are you tired of token economy or behavior reward systems? Are you looking for ways to teach Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and connect your entire school community? Then you need Schoolwide Video Broadcasting (SVB).


Recipes4SEL provides a framework to plan, create, and produce customized Schoolwide (SEL) Video Broadcasts for your entire learning community. Start with a core SEL lesson, then mix and match interesting, engaging, and aligned segments that include your students, staff, and families. 


Let us help you to make the change your school needs to build a strong kind, respectful, responsible learning community filled with positive leaders!

Ready to Start Creating Schoolwide Video Broadcasts?

Here's How We Can Help You:

Need some inspiration? Check out the most recent SEL Lessons from Mrs. Weller’s Kitchen on YouTube.

We’re constantly updating our blog with SEL lessons, supporting segments, activities, and resources. 

Not sure where to start? Let’s brainstorm some options together! Contact us to set up a PD or coaching session.

Contact Us

Here's what our learning community has to say . . .

Need more inspiration? Check out our YouTube channel!

SELect lessons on mindfulness, executive functions, emotional regulation, social thinking, and more can be found here.
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